Plane crashes with happy endings

I realised recently that this blog page has been all about “earfluff” and contains nothing about “eyecandy”.

So, this is a link to a page that starts to correct this omission. It’s a portion of a collection of photographs of airplanes that have crashed, but where everyone survived.

The photographer is Dietmar Eckell – his site is worth surfing as well. He has a wonderful ability to capture decay.

  1. You could always improve the “eyecandy” section by posting, let’s say, pictures of upcoming B&O products. I’m sure everyone would appreciate that, except maybe your employer!

    Speaking of “lucky” plane crashes the SAS crash in Gottröra (outside Stockholm) in 1991 should be mentioned. The plane crashed shortly after takeoff, following engine failure due to ice from the wings being ingested into the engines. In the crash, the wings were torn off and the fuselage was broken into three pieces, but everyone survived. And yes, the deicing procedures and controls were improved following that incident.
    Images are available through Google search, but here’s one example:

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