Category: music
Intro to Acoustics: Part 5
Den blå anemone
Ensemble MidtVest did this recording as part of the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Occupation. We recorded the audio in the lobby of Bang & Olufsen’s old headquarters – Gaarden or “The Farm”.
Intro to acoustics: Part 2
A tour of the Steinway factory in Hamburg
How streaming saved music (sort of…)
Leon Theremin and RFID
There was an article in the BBC News webpage this week, telling the story of how Leon Theremin (inventor of one of the first electronic musical instruments) invented the technology underneath what we now call RFID…
Of course, this means that every time I swipe my card to buy something at the store, I’m going to start humming the hook from”Good Vibrations”… Maybe knowledge is not always a good thing… Or maybe I should get out my Clara Rockmore album and have another listen.
Piano Forte
Paper organ
The footprint of a CD

“If you listen repeatedly, a physical copy is best– streaming an album over the internet more than 27 times will likely use more energy than it takes to produce and manufacture a CD.”