I’ve disabled the “comments” option on all of the postings on this website. The older existing comments remain – but new ones will not be possible or will be automatically discarded (if you find a page that I missed when I changed the settings). I have a number of reasons for this, but mostly, it’s because I am increasingly trying to disconnect from my computer and phone. Social media was the first thing to go, which is why I’m not on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter/X, Snapchat, or TikTok. I do have some videos on YouTube, but I’ve disabled the comments there as well.
If you have specific questions about things I have written here (or if you find any mistakes and you want to give me a heads-up), you are welcome to email me. However, I cannot promise that you will receive a reply, or that any reply will be rapid, since I’m also trying to disconnect from my email more and more.
Note that, if you have specific questions or comments about Bang & Olufsen equipment, please direct these questions to your B&O dealer. I cannot short-circuit the B&O customer support communication channels.