BeoLab 90 Review in Scandinavia



“Lyden av BeoLab 90 er vanskelig å forklare, den må egentlig bare oppleves. Personlig har jeg aldri hørt en mer livaktig musikkgjengivelse, og flere som har vært på besøk reagerte med å klype seg i armen eller felle en tåre når de hørte et opptak de kjente, eller rettere sagt trodde de kjente!”

“The sound of the BeoLab 90 is hard to explain, it must really be experienced. Personally I have never heard a more lifelike music reproduction, and several who have been visiting reacted by pinching their own arm or shedding a tear when they heard a recording they knew, or rather thought they knew!”


The Danish version can be read here.

  1. Preben Soerensen says:

    Fantastic, Geoff. These speakers are really amazing and second to none in many aspects. Congrats.

    Now, what is the next step? How do you implement BL90 developments and experiences in new smaller speakers? Smaller derivatives have already been announced in headlines by B&O top management. I nearly can’t wait to see (and hear) a smaller speaker in the size of BL20/BL5.

    I of course understand that you can’t say anything specific about future models. However, I soon hope you to lift the lid of details in the development process that I assume is ongoing. Like you did during the development process of BL90; e.g. by posting B&O tech regarding Beam Width Control.

    Any hope?

    Brg Preben

  2. Hi Preben,

    Thanks for the kind words – and for your understanding regarding the limits of my public statements.
