1. time really does go by faster as you get older… the recent earthquake in chile moved the earth’s centre of gravity by about 8 cm, thus shortening the length of a day by 1.26 microseconds. link and link
1a. the effect of wind has a similar effect on the length of the day, but it’s 3oo times greater. link
2. the large hadron collider gathers 40 terabytes of information per second during an experiment. link
3. sony finally figured out that 2010 is not a leap year… link
4. there is water on the moon. link
5. the story of lucy temerlin is worth learning. link
6. if you plan to overthrow the united states government, it will cost you at least $5. link
7. if the loonie that tried to blow up a plane landing in detroit at christmas had been successful, he wouldn’t have done much damage to the plane. link
8. the rate of birth defects in fallujah are incredibly high, regardless of what the official reports tell you. link
9. you have between 5,000 and 35,000 species of bacteria living in your intestines, but only 120 or so on your skin.
10. one profitable way to dispose of toxic and/or nuclear waste is to put it on a ship, and then scuttle it, claiming that the ship sank. there are people who track suspicious sinkings in an effort to follow this trend. link